Most financial systems are quite reliable, but none are flawless. As a result, payment errors exist in every organization and result in significant lost dollars every year if not recovered.
We work with your vendors to research credits, overpayments and misapplied or duplicate payments that appear on their records, but which may not appear on your Accounts Payable records or the standard statements’ you receive. We research and uncover funds that would otherwise be lost in today’s automated systems and potentially written off due to accounting miscommunications.
This process is performed almost invisibly within your current Accounts Payable department. With only your vendor master file we perform all necessary preparations to initiate the search and research all credits that appear on their records. We handle all vendor questions related to the audit and we work with your staff to ensure the simplest and most efficient way to recover funds. We provide claim information to your Company to be processed weekly.
Even if an average of 99.9% of all transactions and payments are processed correctly, the small amount of error can quickly add up to a large amount of money.
Our services are contingency-fee based and completely risk free. Please call Us for a free consultation 972-467-9589 or Email